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SCA armoured combat leather gloves
Plated body armor with woolen exterior
Combat mittens with hinged thumb
15th-century helmet kit
Early cabasset with brims, 15th c.
Sliding plates medieval bevor, 15th c.
Halberdier's armor set, early 15th c.
Cuisses, greaves, and knee poleyns set
Rerebraces, vambraces, elbow couters set
Shell-shaped pauldrons, early 15th c.
Early 15-century soldier's leather belt
Early 15th-century leather belt bag
Medieval Soldiers' Belt | Length 155cm
Stainless decorative dagger w/ wood hilt
Leather-covered steel buckler, 15″
Combat stainless steel buckler, 15″
Decorative stainless halberd head
Belt scabbard with steel falchion set
Stainless falchion sword with etching
Stainless decorative dagger with sheath