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Elven princess dress with puffed sleeves
Long belt with beaded fringe
Medieval wedding dress, belt and veil
Medieval wedding dress with beads
Fantasy Elven Gown with pleated bodice
Pure silk white wedding headpiece
Laser cut fantasy brass women's belt
Functional brass pocket mirror
The brass has darkened a little
Elven garment or cloak pin
Enamel and Brass Fibula cloak pins
Elven brass circlet crown
Brass and enamel fantasy earrings
Brass and Enamel Earrings
Enamelled elven bangle
Enamelled medieval bangle
Buckle jewellery for a fabric belt
Brass and Enamel torc
Pair of enamel and brass accessories
Pair of enamelled brass hair jewellery
Brass and enamel elvish ring
Enamel and brass Elvish ring