5 (3 Feedbacks)

Armour Set “Lady Warrior”

Fantasy leather and metal armor kit

Standard shipping time: 23-28 Days
Express shipping time: 10-14 Days
Manufacturing time: 56-63 Days
Please email our manager beforehand if you have a strict deadline for your order

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13 of June 2012

OMG! I have only ever seen two sets for women the even begin to rival this. 1) Helen Mirren as Morgana's set in the film Excalibur 2) Kate Blanchet's in the film Elizabeth Your set is a masteroiece to rival both of these. Hollywood, here you come!

ArmStreet team

WOW! Thanks for your amazing feedback!

08 of December 2011

What Ed said!! This is a GORGEOUS set of armor! It is functional and light, allowing for movement while still remaining practical. The aesthetics are more than pleasing both in part and for the whole. I have yet to see armor for a lady that beats this set!

ArmStreet team

Many thanks for your review, Seanna!

22 of November 2011

"YOU", all of you, Have TRULY outdone yourselves, THIS IS A MASTER PIECE OF CRAFTSMANSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ArmStreet team

Thank you, Ed!

If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email

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Eva Munden
07 of December 2018

Hello!! If we didn't want to buy the whole set but pieces of an armor set, is that possible???

ArmStreet Team

Hi Eva! Yes, of course, each pieceis available for purchase separately:

20 of October 2018

Hi, is there any difference in the appearance or structure when this armour set is altered to fit a man? Or is it just simply a matter of measurement? And can the rondels instead be the flower design like the “Paladin” Set? (As I don’t want the snake etching on the armour)

ArmStreet Team

Hello, yes we can make this set for a man. Yes, we can make the design of the rondelles like on the Paladin set. 

25 of July 2018

What are the pros and cons of using mild steel vs the stainless? I know stainless is easy to maintain but which is the most durable for live combat?


Hi Trey! Stainless steel is more durable

Marie-Claude Mercier-Dion
10 of July 2018

Hi, this is an amazing set. But I am wondering how restricted you are from the chest piece. Doesn't seem like you can bend forward at all. Would there be anyway change the direction of the metal (maybe same way as the ribs) to allow more movement?

ArmStreet Team

Hi Marie-Claude, the corset is pretty comfortable it is possible to bend forward in it. The direction of the metal plates cannot be changed, unfortunately. 

03 of December 2017

Can you steer me to pictures of the upper leg armor that comes with this set? Thanks:)

ArmStreet Team

Sure, please check it here

30 of November 2017

Do you have any photos of this set without the etchings?

ArmStreet Team

Hi Robyn, unfortunately, we do not have such pictures. 

16 of July 2017

What measurement am I supposed to take when asked for body length?

ArmStreet Team

Hi Kristin, please check number 23 in our measuring guide here

27 of March 2017

I'll be buying this set within the next year and had a question about the measurements: If I want to wear this with chainmaille would the measurements be the same as if I wasn't wearing chainmaille underneath? I would like to have the option of choosing whether or not I want my chainmaille on under the suit. Of course, if that's not possible, I understand. I simply want the best fit.

ArmStreet team

If you`re planning to wear the set over the chainmail, please give us your measurements taken over it. The measurements should be taken over any padding you`re planning to wear with the armor. Otherwise, it will be too small to wear over.

20 of March 2017

Can the pauldrons be made without the disc reflectors?

ArmStreet team

Yes, the pauldrons can be made without rondels, just mention it in the comments to your order.

16 of March 2017

Hi this is an awesome set. Where can I find the short chemise?

ArmStreet team

The chemise from the photos is not listed, but you can check our chemises, some
of them can be shortened. Let us know if you`re interested, we`ll help you to proceed.

26 of February 2017

omg i need want this set its gonna take me while to get thou.. but as long as i have it in my arms on me no time to waste.. this i want want want love beautifuly made. a woman needs her armour set

ArmStreet team

That`s so true, every woman needs to have an armour suit in her wardrobe just in case. ;) Surely, soon you`ll get yours, just let us know when you`re ready and we`ll be happy to manufacture it for you.

21 of November 2016

How much without helmet and without etching?

ArmStreet team

The armour set w/o helmet and with no etching will be $1929.00 + $96.00 shipping.

Corrie Tyler
12 of June 2016

Hello, I was wondering if this suit of armour could be made without any etching or scales? So it would be plain metal. Kind Regards Corrie Tyler

ArmStreet Team

Hi Corrie, yes it is possible. 

Amber Knezek
03 of February 2016

Can the etching be replaced with the archeress etching design?

ArmStreet team

Sorry, this set cannot be made with the Archeress patterns.

Kate Wieland
05 of June 2015

Hello, I have a few questions about the fantasy women warrior armor. I see that you can customize the etching, would it be possible to just replace the snake with a dragon? How much extra is it for 16 gauge stainless steel? I wouldn't need the helm it comes with but could you do a custom helm in 16 gauge to match? I will be using this to joust in.... Thank you for your time! -Kate

ArmStreet team

Snakes cannot be replaced by the dragon, sorry.
Full kit in 16 ga stainless steel will cost 30% extra.
To order custom helmet, please send us the details of your project and pictures/sketches at contact@armstreet.com.

21 of April 2015

Can this armor be made without any etchings at all?

ArmStreet team

Yes, armour without etching costs 15% less. To get the discount, please email us at contact@armstreet.com.

Morgan S
23 of July 2013

I must ask, though this is a magnificent set of armor and am currently saving up to purchase in the future, could I possibly order some sort of leather leggings to go undernewth of the war skirt? Or, if not, could there be an option to replace the skirt with something closer to thigh high leg armor? Enough to hide the legs. Blasted insecurities...

ArmStreet team

The kit includes legs with upper thigh plates.
We recommend to wear tunic or shortened chemise under the war skirt
(at least a chemise, sure you'll need padding clothes for combat purposes).

jess vasey
28 of June 2013

this looks amazing . question have you ever made one for a plus size lady

ArmStreet team

Yes, please note we may need some additional measurements.

09 of November 2012

is this SCA approved?

ArmStreet team

Nope, it's fantasy armour, sorry.

Alexander Taran
15 of September 2012

Looking at getting this for my wife next Christmas. But does it come with the spear? I think I might steal that from the set for myself.

ArmStreet team

Spear is not included.

06 of September 2012

Hi! I was wondering if it was possible to get this armorbut with a different design etched into the steel (a crow instead of snakes). Thanks.

ArmStreet team

Technically this is possible, for $800-1000 extra.

05 of September 2012

So the whole thing can be used in real combat? It can sastain blows with out breaking?

ArmStreet team

Yes, exactly.
For heavy combat there is an option of upgrade to 16 ga stainless steel.

22 of July 2012

Very Beautiful armor. I noticed in one of the pictures it looks like there's no private part protection, does the set include armor for the private region?

ArmStreet team

There is no groin area protection.

24 of May 2012

What breast size will this support? I know that I am skinny enough to fit into it but I have 34DDD breasts will I fit?

ArmStreet team

No problems, it's made-to-measure.
The armor-corset doesn't support breasts. Its main purpose is to compress breasts for easier movement and protect them from heats.

22 of May 2012

does the full set include the helmet, and upper thigh plates?

ArmStreet team

Helmet and upper thighs are included.

25 of November 2011

can you build something like this for a male instead of a female

ArmStreet team

This kit can be made for a man or woman.

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