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Italian bascinet helm with 2 visors
Italian houndskull bascinet, 15th c.
German klappvisor bascinet, 14th c.
Harnischfechten HEMA fencing helmet
Limited Edition XVI Century Hood
Combat elbow cops with round leaf
Lightweight elbow protection for fencing
Spring steel elbow couters set
Fine linen coif hat
Cotton chaperon for kids
Linen hood for adults
Medieval 14th-century women's hood
Combat knee cops with round leaf
Lightweight knee protection for fencing
Textured plastic knee cops for fencing
Tinted knee protection for fencing
Textured plastic elbow cops for fencing
Textured plastic pauldrons for fencing
Plastic knee cops with ribs for fencing
Plastic elbow cops with ribs for fencing
Plastic elbow cops for fencing
Elbow and knee protection for fencing
Plastic knee cops for fencing
Plastic pauldrons for fencing
Tinted shoulder protection armor
Lightweight fencings shoulder protection
Yuletide mittens with foldable cuffs
Welded steel rod protection
Spring steel hand protection
Two-component plastic hand protection
Plastic pauldrons with ribs for fencing