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Pair of etched brass oval brooches
Enamel and brass cape brooch
Elven garment or cloak pin
Enamel and Brass Fibula cloak pins
Brass and enamel cloak pin clasp
Brass Halloween fibula cape pin
Pair of etched brass apron brooches
Elven brass circlet crown
Medieval brass circlet crown
Darkened brass gothic fantasy crown
Brass Etched Cloak Pin Clasp
Etched brass cloak pin with chain
Enamel and brass ocean necklace
Laser cut Viking ship pendant
Laser Cut Brass Pendant with Ducks
Celtic good luck pin with enamel
Etched brass with Celtic knot work
Fantasy brass and leather necklace
Original brass circlet crown
Brass cloak pin clasp fibula
Fantasy handmade brass circlet
Middle Age Style Circlet Crown
Pair of etched brass clasps
Seahorse Enamel and Brass jewelry
Nautilus Brass and enamel Earrings
Brass and enamel fantasy earrings
Brass and Enamel Earrings
Brass and enamel medieval earrings
Enameled Brass Witchcraft Earrings
Boat form laser cut brass earrings
Exclusive brass crown with pearls
Brass chain pin with flower etching
Viking ornament embossed leather band
Leather braided hairband
Handmade fantasy Princess circlet
Enamelled elven bangle
Enamelled medieval bangle
Medieval etched cloak clasp
Laser cut viking ship earrings
Knotwork Duck Brass Earrings
Franks polished brass fantasy jewelry
Cut-through medieval style ring
Long dangle metal earrings
Polished brass crown
Polished brass circlet crown
Medieval style fantasy etched earrings
Brass cut fantasy medieval style earring
Medieval “a la Russe” crown
Medieval goldy pierced earrings
Polished brass fantasy earrings
Medieval cut-through brass ring
Dangle earrings with cut-through pattern
Heart shaped double-sided brooch
Medieval cloak pin clasp
Medieval cape fibula brooch
Brass and Enamel torc
Pair of enamel and brass accessories
Pair of enamelled brass hair jewellery
Fantasy leather and brass headpiece
Halloween edition brass cloak clasp
Ancient style etched brass earrings
Enamel and Brass Ring
Brass ring with enamel
Brass ring for scrolls & manuscripts
Etched brass brooch with pearl
Fantasy polished brass earrings
Medieval “a la Russe” bangle bracelet