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Etched stainless decorative axe head
Decorative weapon – Hammer of Thor
Longbow archer lightweight etched bracer
Leather and brass handmade archer bracer
Leather longbow master etched quiver
Leather Scabbard and Stainless Sword
XV inspired longsword with leather scabb
Fantasy quiver with etched brass accents
Embossed leather belt frog for a viking
Old Norse style decorative axe head
Decorative seax with leather scabbard
Stainless steel decorative viking axe
Decorative etched axe with wolf design
Etched stainless decorative spearhead
Leather sword frog with brass plate
Viking stainless decorative spearhead
Stainless steel axe head
Stainless Steel etched Sword
Medieval leather heavy sword frog
Wooden viking shield with etched accents
Painted shield with carrying strap
HEMA Buckler with Blackened Boss
HEMA Etched Buckler
Stainless steel and brass buckler
Spring steel buckler with brassed boss
Stainless shield boss with brass ring
Shield boss with etched brass ring
Stainless boss with decorated brass ring
Stainless boss with sea-themed ornament
Shield boss with etched brass cover
Steel Leaf-shaped Shield
Extra large stainless buckler, 16.5″
Stainless etched fighting buckler, 14″
Etched stainless steel decorative axe
Renaissance Stainless Steel Dagger
Decorative stainless steel dagger
Embossed leather belt frog
Eastern style decorative spearhead
Decorative dagger for a knight
Foam weapon with wolves and knotwork
Wooden stand for helmet
Wooden stand for one European weapon
Wooden stand for two European weapons
Sword with musketeer blade
Welded steel rod protection
Spring steel hand protection
Two-component plastic hand protection