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Spring Steel Knight Clamshell Gauntlets
Fighting finger gauntlets for SCA
Blackened klappvisor bascinet circa XIV
Italian bascinet helm with 2 visors
Italian houndskull bascinet, 15th c.
German klappvisor bascinet, 14th c.
Spring steel 14th c. German bascinet
Eastern Style SCA Helmet
Italian klappvisor with 2 visors
Spring steel bascinet helm for WMA
Spring steel bascinet, perforated visor
Sallet helmet with bevor
Stainless Steel Fencing Helmet for WMA
Helmet with contrasting accents
Fantasy spring steel combat helmet
Stainless steel 15th c. Helmet
Combat barbuta helm with Visor
Harnischfechten HEMA fencing helmet
Medieval Knight Sugarloaf Helmet
Swordplay harnischefechten helmet
Combat stainless helmet with visor pin
Short Viking Bracers with Etched Brass
Embossed leather lace up bracers
15th-century knight armour gauntlets
15th century style articulated gauntlets
Blackened Spring Steel Fencing Helmet
WMA sword-fighting knickers
Sport edition cotton swordplay jacket
Sport edition linen swordsman's gambeson
Linen under-armor padded jacket
Historical linen padded jacket for SCA
Mid-level protection HEMA jacket
Fencing mask cover for HEMA
Two piece medieval linen gambeson
Two-piece women's gambeson with buckles
Two-piece gambeson with buckles
Knight Woolen Gambeson with lining
Two-piece female gambeson with lacing
Two-piece women's gambison with lacing
Lendenier for the female body
Legs underarmour quilted padding
Two-piece universal under armour padding
Medieval hourglass finger gauntlets
Boat-shaped forearm armour bracers
Updated lamellar gauntlets, Slavic style
Lightweight Hourglass Knight Gauntlets
Combat elbow cops with round leaf
Lightweight elbow protection for fencing
Spring steel elbow couters set
Leather viking bracers with etched brass
Spring Steel Finger Gauntlets
Fencing gloves with long embossed cuff
Padded fencing gloves with midi cuff
Padded fencing gloves with long cuff
Padded fencing gloves with short cuff
Padded leather gloves with short cuff
SCA armoured combat leather gloves
Combat inner leather finger gloves
Tooled leather bracers
SCA etched armor bracers
Padded knight's pourpoint, late 14th c.
Viking leather bracers with metal splint
Early Slavic arm armour, 12-13th cc.
Eastern style fighting etched bracers
Quilted leather mittens with foam pads
Luxurious two-piece gambeson for knight
Fingers protection plates for gauntlets
Finger gauntlets extra protection plates
Chest, leg, arm and shoulder protection
Spring steel armour set for women
Blackened Spring Steel Armor
Medieval stainless steel armour, 15th c.
Churburg castle #13 harness
Generation III gothic plate armour
Stainless with Brass Accents Full Set
Stainless steel lorica full set
Blackened steel full set of armour
Spring steel hand protection
Blackened Spring Steel Gauntlets
Spring Steel Gauntlets
Blackened Spring Steel Hand Protection
XIV-XV Inspired Articulated Etched Armor
Spring Steel Burgonet Helmet
Thigh to ankle full leg armour
Spring steel thigh-to-ankle protection
Steel breastplate and backplate armor
Thigh armor with brassed accents
Spring steel articulated thigh armor
Blackened spring steel thigh armor
Blackened Spring Steel Breastplate
Blackened Spring Steel Thigh Armor
Articulated medieval leg armor cuisses
Medieval spaulders with etched rondel
Leather-covered combat body armor
Medieval knight cuirass armor, 15th c.
Female Spring Steel and Brass Armor
Female spring steel body armor
Stainless Steel Chest Armor
Fantasy leather and metal armor kit
Articulated stainless steel with accents
Viking women's leather corset armor
Viking Age armour vest stylization
2-piece medieval chest protection
Western brigandine fauld skirt armor
Western plate armor cuirass, late 14th c
Articulated chest and back protection
XV set: gorget, pauldrons, arms and legs
Set of armor for the noble knight
Steel plated flexible medieval vest
Cuirass, pauldrons, bazubands and legs
2nd generation eastern armour kit
Early Middle Ages Viking helmet
Functional combat suit of armor, 14th c.
Articulated Stainless Steel Cuisses
Thigh plates, knee demi-leg and greaves
XV century legs: cuisses and greaves
XIV-XV century transitional leg harness
Stainless steel SCA helm
Stainless legs with greaves, 15th c.
Roman helmet with SCA grill visor
Eastern greaves and knees, 16-17th cc.
Gothic helm with bellows visor
Greaves with knee cops, 12-14th cc.
Inspired by the Vendel Period
Stainless Steel and Brass Bracers
Brass Accented Roman Inspired Bracers
Black suede under armor padding
Women's gambeson with gold accents
Viking Helmet for SCA-heavy
Functional top helmet 13th c.
Embossed leather arming belt
Gorget, pauldrons, arms and legs set
Embossed Lendenier for the female body
Female padded crop top armor
Ladies underarmour with cotton lining
Padded crop-top for women
Women’s padding with leather trim
Female Arm Padding Crop Top
Ladies underarmour with leather straps
Female crop-top style arm padding
Sleeveless gambeson with leather straps
Steel plated medieval arming coat
Fantasy viking embossed leather armor
Embossed leather vest of Viking style
Stainless steel and brass Roman helm
Blackened Spring Steel Archer’s Sallet
Stainless Steel and Brass
Spring steel medieval knight spaulders
Blackened spring steel neck protection
Lombardy medieval spaulder, late 14th c.
Stainless steel armoured combat gorget
Fantasy Knight Gorget, Arms, Pauldrons
Articulated spring steel arm harness
Tinted steel armor neck protection
Black and gold spring steel spaulders
Knight armour neck protection
Female Knight Armor Spaulders
Brass plated spring steel arm protection
Blackened spring steel arm protection
Blackened Spring Steel XV Arm Harness
Stainless armor with removable rondels
14 ga stainless helmet with bargrill
XIV style fantasy pauldrons with brass
Longface Klappvisor Bascinet Helm
Stainless steel and brass shoulder armor
XV arm harness and pauldrons armour
Spring steel shin protection
Splinted legs armor with Celtic etching
Tinted spring steel shin protection
Medieval gorget with stand-up collar
Shin protection made from spring steel
Functional lightweight women's armour
Blackened neck protection armor
Stainless steel neck protection
Basic XV stainless steel arm harness
Combat-ready legs and full-round greaves
Leather-covered helm with full aventail
SCA Finger Gauntlets with Padded Glove
Articulated finger protection for combat
Stainless steel etched demi-gauntlets
Veg tanned leather and steel collar
Gothic spaulders and gorget
Articulated neck protection
Articulated XV c. upper leg protection
Etched arms with articulated elbow
XV Century articulated knee and cuisses
Blackened cuisses with articulated knee
Lightweight head protection
Fantasy style stainless barbuta helmet
Mongolian stainless lamellar armour kit
Combat leather and steel armor body suit
Medieval western plate arms, combat gear
Eastern style breastplate and backplate
XIV century stainless steel brigandine
Viking Inspired Leather LARP Armor Vest
Fantasy style women's armor corset
Articulated knee cops with etching
Noble eastern cuirass body armour
Plated body armor with woolen exterior
Stainless neck and shoulder armor
Shoulder armor with ornate besegews
European etched combat arms, 14th c.
Articulated XV century arm protection
Medieval combat spaulders with segment
XIV-XVc. pauldrons and arm protection
XIV century anatomical arm armor
Textured plastic arm-guards for fencing
Limited edition knight's pourpoint
Etched legs with articulated knees
Combat knee cops with round leaf
Plastic HEMA clamshell gauntlets
Lightweight knee protection for fencing
Textured plastic knee cops for fencing
Combat knee and elbow protection
Stainless steel leg and knee protection
Tinted elbow protection for fencing
Tinted knee protection for fencing
Textured plastic elbow cops for fencing
Tinted elbow&knee protection for fencing
Textured plastic pauldrons for fencing
XVc. anatomical lower leg protection
Steel and leather calf protection
Plastic knee cops with ribs for fencing
Plastic elbow cops with ribs for fencing
Closed steel greaves, lower leg armor
Elbow and knee protection for fencing
Plastic elbow cops for fencing
Plastic knee cops for fencing
2 elbows + 2 knee cops, stainless steel
Western armor cuisses and knee cops
Combat mittens with hinged thumb
A functional helmet fit for nobility
Functional stainless steel bazubands
15th-century helmet kit
Fantasy Gothic Gorget and Pauldrons set
Medieval arms with etching, 15th c.
Hourglass gauntlets, leather exterior
Articulated steel pauldrons with etching
Mid-15th century inspired combination
Sallet with a movable visor, 15th c.
Medieval fighting stainless spaulders
Articulated stainless foot protection
Ribbed poleyns, greaves, thigh plates
Medieval legs enclosed back thigh cuisse
Eastern spaulders with brass decorations
Medieval stainless full-round greaves
Slavic style etched armor mittens
Leather-covered arms armor, late 15th c.
Articulated spaulders with a besegew
Noble Piece of Neck and Face Protection
Functional European combat arm armour
Steel gorget with tooled leather cover
Etched combat legs armour, 14th c.
Articulated arms with ornate roping
Plastic pauldrons for fencing
Tinted shoulder protection armor
European combat pauldrons, 14th c.
Lightweight fencings shoulder protection
Functional under armour head protection
Mitten-style European gauntlets
Leather-covered armor legs, late 15th c.
Gauntlets for halberd and basket sword
SCA fighting leather-covered gauntlets
Stainless klapvisor helmet, late 14th c.
Early bascinet helmet with nasal plate
Functional steel combat armor sabatons
Etched Slavic style pauldrons
Viking stainless steel splint greaves
Etched helm with half aventail
Stainless cuisses and poleyns, 15th c.
Persian turban type etched helm
Embossed leather short bracers
SCA-oriented cuisses, poleyns, greaves
Helmet adapted for heavy fighting format
Lower leg combat armor, late 14th c.
Leather and steel fighting spaulders
Combat armor greaves with knee cops
Vambraces, elbows, rerebraces, 14th c.
Basic pauldrons of excellent flexibility
Articulated SCA combat finger gauntlets
Classic stainless pauldrons, 15th c.
Flared cuffs etched gauntlets, 15th c.
Pauldrons enlarged back plate, 15th c.
Combat version of classic grand-bascinet
Elbow cops with decorative etching
Etched greaves inspired by Vendel Period
Upper leg combat armor, late 14th c.
Stainless helmet visor mask
Viking stainless steel split bracers
Chain mail cuffs eastern gauntlets
Flared back plate, 6 lames and besagews
Greaves, poleyns, cuisses, late 14th c.
Early cabasset with brims, 15th c.
Articulated stainless spaulders c.1460
Leather and stainless steel armor arms
Fantasy etched pauldrons and gorget set
Gorget with articulated pauldrons c.1460
Medieval fantasy Knight Arm Armor Kit
Etched spaulders with bands of plates
Etched splint Vandal inspired bracers
Medieval elbow protection, late 14th c.
Women's leather and steel armor skirt
Functional combat helm, Ukrainian origin
SCA compliant helmet bar grille
Functional steel bracers with chain mail
Medieval armor poleyns, late 14th c.
Bracers with etched Celtic pattern
Sliding plates medieval bevor, 15th c.
Leather сovered shoulder armor
Shoulder armor with swordbreakers
Fantasy neck guard with stand-up collar
Elbow or knee cops with Celtic etching
Armour vambraces with stiffening ribs
Pauldrons with leather scallops, 14th c.
Lightweight flexible viking armor
Round medieval combat spaulders
Eastern stainless elbow cops for SCA
Medieval helmet center-hinged visor
Combat armor knees with side leaf
Pair of combat elbow couters
Foam sword for Soft Armor
Round training shield
Medieval Stainless Steel Armoured Arms
Articulated XV century foot protection
Brigandine splint-and-stud armor set
Halberdier's armor set, early 15th c.
Historical lightweight arm protection
Shoulder spaulders with swordbreakers
Veg-tanned leather and steel armor
XV century inspired shoulder protection
Splinted cuisses with articulated knee
Leather covered full wrap greaves
Arm armour with Сeltic etched pattern
Splint arms with elbows and palm pads
Functional eastern stainless vambraces
Medieval etched stainless arm bracers
Functional eastern style armor greaves
Medieval stainless spaulders armor SCA
Cuisses, schynbalds and poleyns set
Cuisses, greaves, and knee poleyns set
Etched stainless steel eastern knee cops
Anatomically shaped 3/4 round greaves
Gothic style ribbed cuisses and poleyns
Rerebraces, vambraces, elbow couters set
Splinted arm bracers with Celtic etching
Upper cannons, elbows and bracers set
Splinted arms with articulated elbow
Fantasy stainless steel splint legs
Knight combat etched gauntlets, 15th c.
Eastern style full combat gauntlets
Knight's armour sabatons, 15th c.
Functional armor sabatons, 16th c.
Fantasy etched gorget with lacing
Medieval stainless steel vambraces
Functional elbow cops with brass decor
Eastern style knees with brass trims
Stainless elbow cops Western etching
Pair of combat knee cops
Ribbed armor elbows, late 15th c.
Ribbed armor poleyns, late 15th c.
Antique Macedonian helmet, 4-2 cc. B.C.
Functional eastern helmet with visor
Functional fighting helmet
Classic reenactment tophelm, 11-13th cc.
Kyivskaya Rus' helmet, XIII century
Stainless steel and leather spaulders
Shell-shaped pauldrons, early 15th c.
Etched pauldrons and gorget set, 15th c.
Tooled leather and metal armour collar
Eastern armor combat pauldrons
Combat helmet armor, Persian origin
Iranian early turban helm, mid 14th c.
Plastic pauldrons with ribs for fencing